This study assessed the Impact of Community Contributions on the Delivery of Islamic Studies Curriculum in Senior Secondary Schools in Kano state. The objectives of the study were to assess the contributions of the community on the delivery of Islamic studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Kano state, assess the provision of physical infrastructures in girls‟, boys‟ and mixed senior secondary schools in Kano state, assess the impact of PTA‟s on the provision of instructional materials of Islamic studies curriculum in boarding and day secondary schools in Kano state, and assess the impact of communities on the recruitment and payment of teachers‟ salary in senior secondary schools in Kano state. These objectives were translated into research questions and hypotheses. Survey research design was used for the study and the total number of population was two thousand seven hundred and thirteen (2713) out of which 336 were selected as sample size for the study that comprised principals, Islamic Studies teachers, and PTA officials. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the sample. Pilot study was conducted in order to have focus and the results of the pivot study showed that Kuder-Richartson 21 was used to establish the reliability of the instrument, a reliability coefficient of 0.94 was obtained. It was based on the result of the pilot study that the research instruments were administered to the research respondents. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire developed by the researcher and was validated by the researchers‟ supervisors and experts in the field of curriculum were consulted for certain observations and corrections from Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. All corrections made were effected. The reliability index found was 0.95 which is acceptable. Data collected were analyzed descriptively using frequencies, mean and inferentially using Chi-Square statistics. Five research questions were analyzed and five hypotheses were tested and all these were accepted. Findings from the study revealed that community members had positive impact in terms of the contributions they gave to the delivery of Islamic studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Kano state. Physical infrastructures were not adequately provided in girls‟, boys‟ and mixed senior secondary schools in Kano state for successful delivery of Islamic studies curriculum in the schools; the PTA‟s had great impact on the provision of instructional materials of Islamic studies in boarding and day secondary schools in Kano state; the communities contributed to the process of recruitment and payment of teachers‟ salaries for the successful delivery of Islamic studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Kano state. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that government in collaboration with stakeholders should endeavour to provide additional Islamic studies teaching materials in all senior secondary schools in Kano state; government should look at teachers‟ condition of service and remuneration and, government should create a forum where all stakeholders of education would be meeting to discuss areas of problems in senior secondary education in the state with particular reference to Islamic Studies and make suggestions for proper solutions to the problems.
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